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In regards with hospitalisation , here at OrtonVets we have two ward areas.

Dog ward has kennels of different sizes, including walk-in kennel for our larger patients.

Cat ward is designed to minimize stress for our feline patients. It is located away from the dogs and has no line of sight between each patient.

Absorbable and soft vet beds for all patients and blankets for post-op recovery, with additional blankets if required following prolonged procedures or young/small patients. Also available for your pets comfort are heated pads and a veterinary Bair Hugger active warmer. The patient comfort and wellbeing are of paramount importance to us. If a patient does require to be hospitalized, we encourage visits from their owners if at all possible, as most animals benefit greatly from a visit from their family. We realize that having a beloved pet away from home in the vet’s is a worrying and stressful time for owners, that’s why we make it a priority that owners are kept up to date regularly about their pet’s condition and always endeavor to get the patient home as soon as is practically possible.

Monitoring pets during their stay is essential for us and we give them lots of love, cuddles and attention.

For more information please Contact us.