

At OrtonVets we are fortunate in having a modern DR X-ray suite with a high-power X-ray generator and advanced digital processing technology. This allows us to take high quality radiographs which can be processed digitally, which means that your pet is not exposed to unnecessary doses of radiation.

We use term of  “imaging” to take pictures of the inside of the body. Even more this can be used for a variety of issues, from routine pregnancy ultrasounds, to looking for “foreign bodies”. We have two forms of imaging at OrtonVets:  x-rays and ultrasound to clarify a correct diagnosis.

We can also send radiographs in digital format to external specialists if a second opinion is required.


In this case, it is our goal to offer our patients the very best veterinary care we can. We are proud of our state-of-the-art imaging equipment, which allows us to diagnose and treat your pets quickly and efficiently. Performing an ultrasound is a quick and painless procedure. To conclude, it uses sound waves to allow us to see inside your pets. Depending on each patient, you may be asked to sedate your pet if they are very stressed or nervous.

For any information please Contact us!