Nurse Clinics

Nurse clinics

Our experienced veterinary nurses work with you to keep your pets fit and healthy so they can live fuller, longer lives. At our dedicated clinics, we run regular check-ups and preventative treatments. Above all, prevention is always cheaper than to cure!

While our nurses are highly qualified, they will definetly refer you to a vet if necessary.

Below is a list of our clinics, but call us to find out how our nurses can help you with other issues including:

Microchipping information and implantation

Above all we strongly recommend a microchip implant for all of your pets to ensure that he or she may be identified easily should they go missing. Microchips are easily implanted into the scruff of the neck. They are checked after to ensure they can be read by a scanner.  Should a stray animal be brought into the surgery our nurses will happily scan them for an identification microchip and assist you in finding the owner through the national Pet Log database.


Administer second and third vaccines

Nail clipping

Advice on flea and worm treatment

If you are not sure how to check your pet’s coat or what to look for, our nurses will  definitely show you what to do. Where parasites are found will explain on how to treat them, along with worming advice and pill administration. Therefore, if adult fleas are found, it is important to treat for all stages of the flea lifecycle. There are a variety of products available. Some just treat adult fleas while others also work against other stages of the lifecycle. The team will be able to advise you on the most effective products for your pet’s specific situation.

Please speak to our vets or nurses if you would like any advice on how often to worm or deflea your pet in order to keep them up to date.

General wellness checks

Administering medications

Nurse clinics are run from Monday to Friday on an appointment basis.

Please feel free to Contact us for more information.